Contest winner updates: Monolith and Indy
I had so many intriguing options to choose from in my contest to give away two Monolith weekend passes. To differentiate the contest entries from the rest of my emails I get in a day, I asked folks to consider using the title, “Hey Heather, I Want To Buy You A Beer At Monolith.” I got those, and more.
There were the offers to buy me a beer, buy me several beers, buy me an unspecified mind-altering substance, buy me an overpriced hot dog, and do a kegstand. The latter two may be better suited for other venues, but we can try. The randomly-selected winners of the Monolith passes are Cass (from Wyoming!) and Jill (from Austin, TX!). Thanks to all who played, and I sincerely hope all the entrants will still come to the fest — and make good on their promises to me. It should be a fantastic weekend.
ALSO, the Indiana Jones soundtrack contest winner is Pete, with his citation of the excellent quote, “It’s not the years, honey, it’s the mileage.” Sigh.
Woohoo! Thanks Heather!
CassK — June 4, 2008 @ 11:42 am
Wow. I am humbled and honored — thanks, Heather! I remember reading that Harrison Ford had ad-libbed that particular line, so I guess I should thank him too.
Pete — June 4, 2008 @ 8:16 pm