February 17, 2006

So . . . can you get all 36?

Jason Forrest has designed a sonic assult of samples from, well, 36 of his favorite punk songs, all squeezed into 2 minutes and 21 seconds of madness. Listening to this was like being on a really fast train (like Willy Wonka in that tunnel, original version of the movie), trying to pick up on something, but before your synapses could process it, it’s gone, and something else is competing for your attention.

So, how many can you pick out? I am only at like 6 that I am relatively sure of. If anyone gets over, say, 20 (without Googling for a list of the answers), I will write you a limerick and you will have my undying admiration. And that’s something, champ.

My 36 Favorite Punk Songs” – Jason Forrest

From his 2005 album Shamelessly Exciting (and it is, isn’t it?).

1 Comment

  • wow, i thought i’d do better. i’ve got, like, the ramones. and that’s about it so far. i suck!

    Anonymous — February 17, 2006 @ 7:49 am

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Bio Pic Name: Heather Browne
Location: Colorado, originally by way of California
Giving context to the torrent since 2005.

"I love the relationship that anyone has with music: because there's something in us that is beyond the reach of words, something that eludes and defies our best attempts to spit it out. It's the best part of us, probably, the richest and strangest part..."
—Nick Hornby, Songbook
"Music has always been a matter of energy to me, a question of Fuel. Sentimental people call it Inspiration, but what they really mean is Fuel."
—Hunter S. Thompson

Mp3s are for sampling purposes, kinda like when they give you the cheese cube at Costco, knowing that you'll often go home with having bought the whole 7 lb. spiced Brie log. They are left up for a limited time. If you LIKE the music, go and support these artists, buy their schwag, go to their concerts, purchase their CDs/records and tell all your friends. Rock on.

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